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Planting to Processing Sponsored Content Crushing the competition: New and exciting and markets for soybeans uses Farmers know better than anyone just how soybean council that we're interested in, he said. "We're not pushing too hard on it right now because we don't have a feedstock right here in the state. But if that would come online, livestock is going to be a bigger player Amber Boeshans, North Dakota Livestock There's all sorts of research being done in the world of paints and plastics, ah, polymers and things like that, Sinner said. ND's top crop by the numbers difficult the trade war with China has made marketing soybeans. But finding ways to withstand turbulence in international trade is a big reason why the North Dakota Soybean Council advocates for farmers and explores new uses and markets. for the crop With this kind of versatility, domestic soybean use is set to grow as long as soy checkoffs can help support the research and development of soy-based paints, plastics and polymers .Cass County is the No. 2 soybean- producing county in the United States. North Dakota is the ninth-largest soybean producer in the country. Alliance executive director, agreed that increasing livestock numbers in the state would boost the need for soybean usage. Joe Morken, current chair of the North Soybean meal is an extremely anod feed resource for all species of animal," Boeshans, said "It's high protein, it's very palatable, so the animals really take to it Biodiesel The value of North Dakota soybeans reaches more than $2 billion annually Dakota Soybean Council and a Casselton, N.D, farmer said an in-state crushing facility would not only lighten the burden of hauling whole beans out of state, but it would also give farmers options other than producing the crop Morken is a big advocate for biodiesel as an alternative and renewable source for fueling trucks because diesel engines can run blends up to 20% biodiesel with no modifications. It's also better for the environment and adds more than 60 cents of value to every bushel of soybeans grown in the Us We try to use it on the farm and we'd like more truckers to use it, he said. But right now the big players are on the coasts. And then the heating fuel industry in New York is a big Ninety percent of North Dakota soybeans are used in meal and oil, while 8% are used for human food products. Consumable oils Source: North Dakota Soybean Council soybean stats 2018 soybean-stats primarily to export as a feed source. Having a crushing facility in the state would allow us a different avenue with our beans," North Dakota Soybean Council Executive Director Stephanie Sinner believes soybean farmers can help meet the demand for domestic consumable oil as well. "We know soybean oil here at home in our Supermarkets as vegetable oil on the grocery store shelf she said. "And that is one of the best heart-healthy oils you can have in your home for cooking and baking In fact, in 2017 the Food and Drug Administration authorized a qualified health claim confirming soybean oil's ability to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, which then he said Solutions like a crushing facility could bring many domestic opportunities, and because of checkoffs, the NDSC is able to research and develop new market demand in areas like: process Sinner said Just like it's a feed source for land animals, the protein in soy, as well as its palatability and affordability, make it an ideal part of fish grown for human consumption. game-changer over there. The Environmental Protection Agency recently reported that biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by at least 57% and up to 86 % when compared to petroleum diesel. Environmentally-conscious states like New York are working toward becoming 100 % In-state livestock production. Oil byproduct for domestic renewable fuels and biodiesel Find more ways Cooking oils. Paints, plastics and polymers. The North Dakota Soybean Council has many articles, reports and videos that help explain the many ways soybeans can be used on their website. Visit Aquaculture To break down these avenues for growth, allowed manufacturers to add heart-healthy biofuel for home heating labeling on bottles Paints, plastics, polymers Soy-based ingredients are found in a wide array of products ranging from paints and stains to adhesives, solvents, plastics, coatings, lubricants, foams and even tires. Soy plastics are found in automobile and tractor parts, while rubber belts made with soy polymers are here are some opportunities the council is Aquaculture Because of the rise in demand for fish as a exploring that can help keep growers optimistic amidst trade and tariff turmoil. protein source in the human diet, Sinner said the council is putting more resources behind researching ways soybeans can help develop aquaculture. A lot of research is being done with soybean industry partners on making soy part of a fish diet and raising fish a sustainable agricultural Livestock North Dakota Soybean Council Our World is Growing. Morken said there is potential to boost the livestock industry in North Dakota because feed could be developed right in the state. "North Dakota does not have much for livestock yet and that's something at the found in many draper combine headers. Planting to Processing is a season-long series broken out by seven parts brought to you by the North Dakota Soybean Council. In it, farmers will gain valuable insights with tips and advice from industry experts. 4852 Rocking Horse Circle S., Fargo, ND 58104.701-566-9300 Planting to Processing Sponsored Content Crushing the competition: New and exciting and markets for soybeans uses Farmers know better than anyone just how soybean council that we're interested in, he said. "We're not pushing too hard on it right now because we don't have a feedstock right here in the state. But if that would come online, livestock is going to be a bigger player Amber Boeshans, North Dakota Livestock There's all sorts of research being done in the world of paints and plastics, ah, polymers and things like that, Sinner said. ND's top crop by the numbers difficult the trade war with China has made marketing soybeans. But finding ways to withstand turbulence in international trade is a big reason why the North Dakota Soybean Council advocates for farmers and explores new uses and markets. for the crop With this kind of versatility, domestic soybean use is set to grow as long as soy checkoffs can help support the research and development of soy-based paints, plastics and polymers .Cass County is the No. 2 soybean- producing county in the United States. North Dakota is the ninth-largest soybean producer in the country. Alliance executive director, agreed that increasing livestock numbers in the state would boost the need for soybean usage. Joe Morken, current chair of the North Soybean meal is an extremely anod feed resource for all species of animal," Boeshans, said "It's high protein, it's very palatable, so the animals really take to it Biodiesel The value of North Dakota soybeans reaches more than $2 billion annually Dakota Soybean Council and a Casselton, N.D, farmer said an in-state crushing facility would not only lighten the burden of hauling whole beans out of state, but it would also give farmers options other than producing the crop Morken is a big advocate for biodiesel as an alternative and renewable source for fueling trucks because diesel engines can run blends up to 20% biodiesel with no modifications. It's also better for the environment and adds more than 60 cents of value to every bushel of soybeans grown in the Us We try to use it on the farm and we'd like more truckers to use it, he said. But right now the big players are on the coasts. And then the heating fuel industry in New York is a big Ninety percent of North Dakota soybeans are used in meal and oil, while 8% are used for human food products. Consumable oils Source: North Dakota Soybean Council soybean stats 2018 soybean-stats primarily to export as a feed source. Having a crushing facility in the state would allow us a different avenue with our beans," North Dakota Soybean Council Executive Director Stephanie Sinner believes soybean farmers can help meet the demand for domestic consumable oil as well. "We know soybean oil here at home in our Supermarkets as vegetable oil on the grocery store shelf she said. "And that is one of the best heart-healthy oils you can have in your home for cooking and baking In fact, in 2017 the Food and Drug Administration authorized a qualified health claim confirming soybean oil's ability to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, which then he said Solutions like a crushing facility could bring many domestic opportunities, and because of checkoffs, the NDSC is able to research and develop new market demand in areas like: process Sinner said Just like it's a feed source for land animals, the protein in soy, as well as its palatability and affordability, make it an ideal part of fish grown for human consumption. game-changer over there. The Environmental Protection Agency recently reported that biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by at least 57% and up to 86 % when compared to petroleum diesel. Environmentally-conscious states like New York are working toward becoming 100 % In-state livestock production. Oil byproduct for domestic renewable fuels and biodiesel Find more ways Cooking oils. Paints, plastics and polymers. The North Dakota Soybean Council has many articles, reports and videos that help explain the many ways soybeans can be used on their website. Visit Aquaculture To break down these avenues for growth, allowed manufacturers to add heart-healthy biofuel for home heating labeling on bottles Paints, plastics, polymers Soy-based ingredients are found in a wide array of products ranging from paints and stains to adhesives, solvents, plastics, coatings, lubricants, foams and even tires. Soy plastics are found in automobile and tractor parts, while rubber belts made with soy polymers are here are some opportunities the council is Aquaculture Because of the rise in demand for fish as a exploring that can help keep growers optimistic amidst trade and tariff turmoil. protein source in the human diet, Sinner said the council is putting more resources behind researching ways soybeans can help develop aquaculture. A lot of research is being done with soybean industry partners on making soy part of a fish diet and raising fish a sustainable agricultural Livestock North Dakota Soybean Council Our World is Growing. Morken said there is potential to boost the livestock industry in North Dakota because feed could be developed right in the state. "North Dakota does not have much for livestock yet and that's something at the found in many draper combine headers. Planting to Processing is a season-long series broken out by seven parts brought to you by the North Dakota Soybean Council. In it, farmers will gain valuable insights with tips and advice from industry experts. 4852 Rocking Horse Circle S., Fargo, ND 58104.701-566-9300