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    May 19, 2019
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Pianting to Processing Sponsored Conte Pre-emergent herbicide benefits and scouting's big comeback Planting season is upon us, but the weather herbicides, he said has caused delays for many farmers that can Osn agrees with lkley that pre-emergent have consequences all season long. The wet fall and delayed spring for many frame and cost. You can really relieve some farmers means extra effort for controlling weed of the pressure, he said. The best thing about growth using pre-emergent herbicide and pre-emerge is you can get that flush of weeds. scouting, which relieves worry all season long. Sometimes if it all goes right, you can almost said weed height is of the utmost importance Pre-planting advice for farmers Even though there's a short window ofoppor eliminate a pass later in the season. tunity to use pre-emergent herbicide and scout There are more pre-emergent herbicide and the herbicides might kill the weeds and offers some good advice about late-season fields, they're both processes NDSU Extension options Weed Specialist and Assistant Professor of Ikley said 2019 is going to be a challenging "We want to apply when weeds are three Do some maintenance Plant Sciences Joseph Ikley said are well worth season because of the quick planting window to four inches and not really much larger than ut and make sure all the equipment t in the long run. Colfax, N.D, farmer Craig Olson, who had ers following the planters. about 5% of his fields planted on May 14 and we have more options with pre-herbicides in the past 20 years is applying herbicides to wasn't feeling particularly nervous at the time, than we have in crop with post-emergent her weeds that are too large said most operations like his practice pre-emer- bicides. Even if we talk about more common way to fast-track resistance. So if were spray soilsto gence and understand the benefits. d say, like most farmers, we haven't used our options are not that great once lamb's quar to completely die. We're going to have some need to, he said them a lot (in the past decade), and now with ters gets some size on it, especially in soybean weeds that have some degree of tolerance to Stay positive a lot more weed pressure and things changing, crops, Ikley added. we do try to get them down if we can, he said. Pre-emergence lessens the burden late in duce some seed herbicide is worth it despite the short time- when applying post-emergent products. Too tall While many farmers are feeling anxious, Olsorn the soybeans growing around them. works, Olson said. If equipment and machin- have some issues, now is the time to address them Practice patienc and the subsequent tight timeline to get spray that, especially when we talk about water hemp kochia; he said. "One of our biggest failures ey and that's really a When youre sitting here waiting for the soils to dry out and warm up, just have the weeds like common lamb's quarters, many of ing six-to-eight-inch weeds, they're not going patience to not push it too hard if you don't these herbicides and they probably will pro- It's not the first time farmers have faced a cold, wet, late spring, and it probably won't be the last, so it's best to see the glass half full right now. "We've planted crops late before and they've come out good in the end, he said. Benefits of pre-emergent herbicide Pre-emergence herbicides are worth it in Benefits of scouting According to lkley, there are many reasons busy springs such as 2019s. "It gives us more Prior to the wide implementation of Round- farmers want to apply pre-emergence programs time end-season to get our post-emergence Up Ready technology, scouting fields was an to their fields, especially when facing "the big herbicides on, Ikley said. Theres some tight important process when identifying and remov- restrictions on some of these products, so having ing weeds fram fields. It's a practice Ikley a wider window to actually get the products on says is very important once again because of gives us a better chance to give us a more favor herbicide resistance in weeds such as Palmer get to two to three inches, that's when they're really going to grow up to two to three inches a day, Ikley said. So it's not only knowing the weeds in your field for the right herbicides, it's knowing that some of our weeds can grow . Water hemp and Palmer amaranth Kochia Horseweed or Marestail (no-till) Once the soybeans emerge out of the soil, we lose several of our best options for problem W icide selectivity and maley says people are aware that atic weeds. And once we spray the soybeans an option that emerge we'll kill them, he said. Here are some benefits of pre-emergent her on in time, there are five main systems partic- said. We're kind of getting back to that era with their way to the Dakotas and Minnesota. bicides for farmers who haven't already started ularly effective in light of herbicide-resistant herbicide resistance able wind condition day to apply these products. amaranth and water hemp. We had to know what weeds we had in the What to do if pre-emergence isn't ield to know the herb scouting is smart practice now that Palmer and other invasive weeds have made sure we applied the right herbicides to control If farmers can't get a pre-emergent herbicide the weeds that we had in those fields,; Ikley amaranth arn "My concern is if we don't focus on scouting and trying to get people to scout we have a few Scouting also helps farmers: Understand what weeds are in their fields stake plants that can lead to a trainwreck the so they can plan for proper treatments. next year or in subsequent years, he said. Catch weeds when they're small enough to be treated with pre-emergent herbicides. weeds, Ikley said a program Pre-emergent herbicides work better Centional, non-GMO soybeans than post-emergent herbicides Ikley said pre-emergent herbicide works 3 Liberty Link soybean better because it widens the window of oppor- 4. Xtend systems tunity to get post emergent herbicide applica h option is Enlist 24-D this is a newRecognize weeds that were herbicide-re- tion onto fields. 2. RoundUp Ready systems North Dakota Soybean Council Our World ls Growing. technology recently approved by China that t last year in order to make solid includes some restrictions. With a pre-emergent herbicide, it's more the four-to-six week window after planting to get back in the field to spray these post-emergence decisions on which herbicides to use this Pay close attention to weed height Aside from new products on the market, Ikley season "Once water hemp and Palmer amaranth Planting to Processing is a season-long series broken out by seven parts brought to you by the North Dakota Soybean Council. In it, farmers will gain valuable insights with tips and advice from industry experts. 4852 Rocking Horse Circle S., Fargo, ND 58104 701-566-9300 Pianting to Processing Sponsored Conte Pre-emergent herbicide benefits and scouting's big comeback Planting season is upon us, but the weather herbicides, he said has caused delays for many farmers that can Osn agrees with lkley that pre-emergent have consequences all season long. The wet fall and delayed spring for many frame and cost. You can really relieve some farmers means extra effort for controlling weed of the pressure, he said. The best thing about growth using pre-emergent herbicide and pre-emerge is you can get that flush of weeds. scouting, which relieves worry all season long. Sometimes if it all goes right, you can almost said weed height is of the utmost importance Pre-planting advice for farmers Even though there's a short window ofoppor eliminate a pass later in the season. tunity to use pre-emergent herbicide and scout There are more pre-emergent herbicide and the herbicides might kill the weeds and offers some good advice about late-season fields, they're both processes NDSU Extension options Weed Specialist and Assistant Professor of Ikley said 2019 is going to be a challenging "We want to apply when weeds are three Do some maintenance Plant Sciences Joseph Ikley said are well worth season because of the quick planting window to four inches and not really much larger than ut and make sure all the equipment t in the long run. Colfax, N.D, farmer Craig Olson, who had ers following the planters. about 5 % of his fields planted on May 14 and we have more options with pre - herbicides in the past 20 years is applying herbicides to wasn't feeling particularly nervous at the time, than we have in crop with post-emergent her weeds that are too large said most operations like his practice pre-emer- bicides. Even if we talk about more common way to fast-track resistance. So if were spray soilsto gence and understand the benefits. d say, like most farmers, we haven't used our options are not that great once lamb's quar to completely die. We're going to have some need to, he said them a lot (in the past decade), and now with ters gets some size on it, especially in soybean weeds that have some degree of tolerance to Stay positive a lot more weed pressure and things changing, crops, Ikley added. we do try to get them down if we can, he said. Pre-emergence lessens the burden late in duce some seed herbicide is worth it despite the short time- when applying post-emergent products. Too tall While many farmers are feeling anxious, Olsorn the soybeans growing around them. works, Olson said. If equipment and machin- have some issues, now is the time to address them Practice patienc and the subsequent tight timeline to get spray that, especially when we talk about water hemp kochia; he said. "One of our biggest failures ey and that's really a When youre sitting here waiting for the soils to dry out and warm up, just have the weeds like common lamb's quarters, many of ing six-to-eight-inch weeds, they're not going patience to not push it too hard if you don't these herbicides and they probably will pro- It's not the first time farmers have faced a cold, wet, late spring, and it probably won't be the last, so it's best to see the glass half full right now. "We've planted crops late before and they've come out good in the end, he said. Benefits of pre-emergent herbicide Pre-emergence herbicides are worth it in Benefits of scouting According to lkley , there are many reasons busy springs such as 2019s . " It gives us more Prior to the wide implementation of Round- farmers want to apply pre-emergence programs time end-season to get our post-emergence Up Ready technology, scouting fields was an to their fields, especially when facing "the big herbicides on, Ikley said. Theres some tight important process when identifying and remov- restrictions on some of these products, so having ing weeds fram fields. It's a practice Ikley a wider window to actually get the products on says is very important once again because of gives us a better chance to give us a more favor herbicide resistance in weeds such as Palmer get to two to three inches, that's when they're really going to grow up to two to three inches a day, Ikley said. So it's not only knowing the weeds in your field for the right herbicides, it's knowing that some of our weeds can grow . Water hemp and Palmer amaranth Kochia Horseweed or Marestail (no-till) Once the soybeans emerge out of the soil, we lose several of our best options for problem W icide selectivity and maley says people are aware that atic weeds. And once we spray the soybeans an option that emerge we'll kill them, he said. Here are some benefits of pre-emergent her on in time, there are five main systems partic- said. We're kind of getting back to that era with their way to the Dakotas and Minnesota. bicides for farmers who haven't already started ularly effective in light of herbicide-resistant herbicide resistance able wind condition day to apply these products. amaranth and water hemp. We had to know what weeds we had in the What to do if pre-emergence isn't ield to know the herb scouting is smart practice now that Palmer and other invasive weeds have made sure we applied the right herbicides to control If farmers can't get a pre-emergent herbicide the weeds that we had in those fields,; Ikley amaranth arn "My concern is if we don't focus on scouting and trying to get people to scout we have a few Scouting also helps farmers: Understand what weeds are in their fields stake plants that can lead to a trainwreck the so they can plan for proper treatments. next year or in subsequent years, he said. Catch weeds when they're small enough to be treated with pre-emergent herbicides. weeds, Ikley said a program Pre-emergent herbicides work better Centional, non-GMO soybeans than post-emergent herbicides Ikley said pre-emergent herbicide works 3 Liberty Link soybean better because it widens the window of oppor- 4. Xtend systems tunity to get post emergent herbicide applica h option is Enlist 24-D this is a newRecognize weeds that were herbicide-re- tion onto fields. 2. RoundUp Ready systems North Dakota Soybean Council Our World ls Growing. technology recently approved by China that t last year in order to make solid includes some restrictions. With a pre-emergent herbicide, it's more the four-to-six week window after planting to get back in the field to spray these post-emergence decisions on which herbicides to use this Pay close attention to weed height Aside from new products on the market, Ikley season "Once water hemp and Palmer amaranth Planting to Processing is a season-long series broken out by seven parts brought to you by the North Dakota Soybean Council. In it, farmers will gain valuable insights with tips and advice from industry experts. 4852 Rocking Horse Circle S., Fargo, ND 58104 701-566-9300