GENERATORS & SECURITY CAMERAS FOR AG & LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS! Kimt LECTRIC PRIASSURE MN 220 978-6841 Services include ag, commercial, WORKING TO MEET YOUR CHANGING ELECTRICAL NEEDS FOR 40 YEARS residential, wiring, trenching, underground and overhead repair, 24hr emergency service Kims ELECT RIC Eric: 320.894.3987 Kim: 320.894.5244 Office: 320.978.6841 GENERATORS & SECURITY CAMERAS FOR AG & LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS! Kimt LECTRIC PRIASSURE MN 220 978-6841 Services include ag, commercial, WORKING TO MEET YOUR CHANGING ELECTRICAL NEEDS FOR 40 YEARS residential, wiring, trenching, underground and overhead repair, 24hr emergency service Kims ELECT RIC Eric: 320.894.3987 Kim: 320.894.5244 Office: 320.978.6841