3,500.86 +/- Crop & Pasture Acres Ziebach County, SD WRITTEN BID LAND LEASE AUCTION Friday, January 10, 2020 5:00 p.m. (CT) ZIEBACH COUNTY, SD 20 138th St. 207th Ave. |Glad Valley, SD 2) 208th Ave. OWNER: Halstead LLLP 1,725.74 +/- Crop Acres. 1,575.32 +/- Pasture Acres. 199.83 +/- Grass Acres. Excellent Access Off Hwy. #20! Great Grass & Water Access! Mail, Fax or Email Bids to: Pifer's Land Management Attn: Dwight Hofland Halstead LLLP 1506 29th Ave. S Moorhead, MN 56560 Fax: 218.477.1969 Email: dhofland@pifers.com CONTACT: Dwight Hofland 701.630.4359 This lease is managed by Pifers Land Management. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The Landowner reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids. Kevin Pifer, SD #12782. Pifer's www.pifers.com 877.700.4099 LAND MANAGEMENT PERKINS COUNTY, SD .... 3,500.86 +/- Crop & Pasture Acres Ziebach County, SD WRITTEN BID LAND LEASE AUCTION Friday, January 10, 2020 5:00 p.m. (CT) ZIEBACH COUNTY, SD 20 138th St. 207th Ave. |Glad Valley, SD 2) 208th Ave. OWNER: Halstead LLLP 1,725.74 +/- Crop Acres. 1,575.32 +/- Pasture Acres. 199.83 +/- Grass Acres. Excellent Access Off Hwy. #20! Great Grass & Water Access! Mail, Fax or Email Bids to: Pifer's Land Management Attn: Dwight Hofland Halstead LLLP 1506 29th Ave. S Moorhead, MN 56560 Fax: 218.477.1969 Email: dhofland@pifers.com CONTACT: Dwight Hofland 701.630.4359 This lease is managed by Pifers Land Management. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The Landowner reserves the right to reject or accept any and all bids. Kevin Pifer, SD #12782. Pifer's www.pifers.com 877.700.4099 LAND MANAGEMENT PERKINS COUNTY, SD ....