308.56 +/- Acres Traill County, ND LAND AUCTION 297.33 +/- Crop Acres Parcel 1: SW14 24-146-53 Parcel 2: SE14 Less Farmstead 24-146-53 Soil Productivity Index (SPI) Average of 85.3! Subject to a 2023 Crop Lease - Buyer will Receive All 2023 Cash Rent Online Bidding Available . Wednesday, February 15, 2023 - 10:00 a.m. AUCTION LOCATION: Norseman Hall Portland, ND Portland, ND 148th Ave. NE 149th Ave. NE Pifer's www.pifers.com LAND AUCTIONS 200 Mayville, ND TRAILL COUNTY, ND 123 M CASE 7 11 NUTOS OWNER: Donald Rygg Family KOLHADINAMIMIZDANSEMENEA CONTACTS: Kevin Pifer.701.238.5810 or Jack Pifer. 701.261.4762 This sale is managed by Pifer's Auction Company, Kevin Pifer, ND #715. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials. The seller reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. 877.700.4099 308.56 +/- Acres Traill County , ND LAND AUCTION 297.33 +/- Crop Acres Parcel 1 : SW14 24-146-53 Parcel 2 : SE14 Less Farmstead 24-146-53 Soil Productivity Index ( SPI ) Average of 85.3 ! Subject to a 2023 Crop Lease - Buyer will Receive All 2023 Cash Rent Online Bidding Available . Wednesday , February 15 , 2023 - 10:00 a.m. AUCTION LOCATION : Norseman Hall Portland , ND Portland , ND 148th Ave. NE 149th Ave. NE Pifer's www.pifers.com LAND AUCTIONS 200 Mayville , ND TRAILL COUNTY , ND 123 M CASE 7 11 NUTOS OWNER : Donald Rygg Family KOLHADINAMIMIZDANSEMENEA CONTACTS : Kevin Pifer.701.238.5810 or Jack Pifer . 701.261.4762 This sale is managed by Pifer's Auction Company , Kevin Pifer , ND # 715 . All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials . The seller reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids . 877.700.4099