P.O. BoX 190, Mobridge, SD 605-845-3622 or 800-658-3598 MobRidgE Upcoming Sales: Tuesday. February 5, 2019- River Run Elite Hereford Sale 12pm MO R See our Sales Live! Go to www.cattleusa.com Visit our website: www.mobridgelivestock.com LIVESTOck Dakota Border Cattle Co. Jason & Ashley Hasper, Brayden, Wyatt, and Jaxon Herreid, SD (701)-851-0490 This offering includes something for everyonc. set of heifers has been handled right and wl have a complete shot, deworming, and Vitaferm Concept Aid mineral program. They wl be ultrasound tested for short calving periods starting February 9a until May. All of these heifers have been palpated, and will be tested February 1st and 2d by the Hosmer Vet Clinic prior to sale day This offering will include as follows: 396 First Cross Black White Face heifers. Bred Black Angus Bulls Sons of Comrade and to proven calving case LBW Black Angus BulBankroll Sons of Comrade and Bankroll. 208 Calf March 4-2, 111 Calf March 22-April 27 Calf April 12-23, 20 Calf End of April 74 Calf Feb. 9-22, 179 Calf March 4-21 88 Calf March 22-Apr, 54 Calf Apil 12-23 Through the l of May 221 First Cross Red White Face heifers. Bred to 127 Hereford Heifers. Originate of of Ravine proven calving case LBW Red Angus bulls from Creek, Witt, and Helbling Hereford Ranches. Bred Campbell, Weisbeck, and Olson Red Angus Bulls to proven calving case LBW Hereford Bulls 131 Calf March 4-21, 69 Calf March 22-Apri Sons of Sensation, Red Bull, and Red Power. 11, 20 Calf April 12-23 12 AI Bred to Red Power Fcbruary 27h for I day. 43 Calf March 4-21, 55 Calf March 257 Black Angus heifers. Bred to proven calving 22-April 11, 17 Calf April 12-23 ease LBW Hereford Bulls Sons of Sensation, Red Bul, and Red Power 40 2nd Calf Hereford Cows bred to Powcrful Black 117 Calf March 4-11, 81 Calf March 22-Apri Angus Bulls. Calf April 5a for 55 day , 59 Calf April 12-23 Cane Creek Ranch- 16 2 ylo Bulls, 7 Yearling Bulls, 23 Bred Registered Females Stuwe Herefords-14 Ycarling Bulls, 12 ylo Bull Coffin Butte Ranch-8 2 y/o Bulls 368 Hereford Heifers, 75% Horned/25% Polled and will be sorted as such to the best of our knowledge. Bred to proven calving ease LBW Thursday, February 7,2019-Weigh-ups 9am Followed by Feeder Cattle Sale at 11 Thursday February 14.2019-Weigh-ups 9am Flowed by Feeder Cattle Sale at 11 Thursday February 21.2019-Weigh-ups 9am Followed by Bred Cows at Noon Friday Fcbruary 22, 2012- Beitelspacher Ranch Bull Sale 1pm. www.brbeef.com Saturday February 23, 2012- Johnson Rose Bull Sale Ipm. (605) 845-3221 Saturday February 23, 2019- Customer Appreciation Supper at Mobridge Moose Lodge 5:30pm Thursday, February 28.2019-Weigh-ups 9am Followed by Feeder Cattle Sale at 11 2 Sale 1:00. www.campbellredangus.com Thursday March 7.2019-Weigh-ups 9am Foowed by Feeder Cattle Sale at 11 Thursday March 14.2019-Weigh-ups 9am Followed by Feeder Cattle Sale at 11 FridayMarch 15, 2019-Scherbenske Angus Ranch Bull & Bred & Open Hfrs Sale (701) 321-9000 r (701) 321-0890 Monday. March 18.2012- Van Beek Angus Bull Sale 1:30pm www.vanbeekranch.com Plcase check www.mobridgelivestock.com for weckly updates Mobridge Livestock Market is certified to handle & market NHTC registered livestock to European & overseas markets, & all drug free & age & source verified livestock. MOBRIDGE LIVESTOCK: (605) 845-3622 OR 800-658-3598 Home-(605) 845-5440 Anderberg: Home-(605) 845-3584 John Hoven: Home-Cell (605) 848-3507 Cell-(605) 848-0038 Cell-(605) 845-4877 Visit our website at Casey Perman: Home-(605) 762-3305 Tom Anderberg: Home-(605) 845-3702 Cell-(605) 848-3338 Cell-(605) 845-6200