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    February 24, 2019
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ND corn groups promote ethanol Fuel value, environment are key FARGO, N.DEthanol growth s of corn, as well as 10 other crops. one of the key factors in keeping corn A competitive market for corn has farmers profitable, says Velva, N.D., helped reduce the "basis" costs-the farmer Paul Thomas. He represents difference between local prices and North Dakota on a National Corn national markets. Newer technologies Growers Association Ethanol Action including better varieties, has made Team Forum News Service/Agweek File photo Farmer Paul Thomas, 44, of Velva, N.D., promotes ethanol use and policies as part of an Ethanol Action Team within the board of directors for the National Corn Growers Association. He is also vice president of the North Dakota Corn Growers Association. Photo taken Jan. 10, 2019, in Fargo corn more economically viable "In North Dakota, nearly 50 of the corn is making its way into an ethanol plant," Thomas says. Thomas says it's doubly satisfying to promote Paul has been a member of the North Dakota Corn Growers Associa tion board of directors for three years, and serves as state vice president. ethanol because it typically cuts the He also serves on the National Corn ethanol fuel. At the Red River Zoo in They also work with a group that is cost of fuel by 10 percent or more, and Growers Association's "Ethanol Ac Fargo and the Gateway to Sciencen trying to develop fuels for car engines because it improves air quality tion Team, that encompasses both Bismarck, displays tell ethanol's story that would advance the automobile "The American Lung Association policy and promotion tasks. Thomas says the state council also industry and help eet the Corporate has come out for higher blends of eth Jean Henning s interim executive works with the U.s. Grains Co Average Fuel Economy standards. In a anol because of clean air and health director of the North Dakota Corn Uti which promotes U.S. ethanol and dis- separate effort, the NCGA is a member impacts th has in metropolitan lization Council, "With 40 percent of tillers grains in other countries, nota- of the "Ag, Auto and Ethanol Alliance" areas in the U.S.," Thomas says. It the corn grown in the state of Nrth bly Mexico and China. (China was the and is working toward a high-octane also increases the horsepower of en Dakota, we try to target 40 gines and makes them run cleaner and the North Dakota corn checkoff to the fuel that can produce more horsepow er with turbo-charged, lighter-weight nt of largest ethanol importer before tariff disputes arose.) rce ethanol industrywhether that be in dried distillers grains research on- State dollars state promotion or working with our nes. New to corn Nationally, the state council sup- State checkoff dollars also are fo- ports an NCGA ethanol effort to stan cused on funding ethanol experts dardize pumps to help pump man Mexico City to help Mexican petro- ufacturers pay for tooling & blender leum distributors blend ethanol, Hen pump incentives to bring the pumps Thomas, 44, graduated in agricu national partners on national promo c tural economics from North Dakota tions as well as international market State University in 1996. He and his expansion." wife, Karen came home to the farm For ethanol promotion, the corn or- ning adds. in 2003. They have two sonsJona ganizations sometimes work with the than, 18, a freshman in crop and weed science at North Dakota State Univer- arate organization of the state's five sity, and Michael, 16, a junior in high ethanol production plants. One of their to a UL certification from 14.9% eth Among other things, the Ethanol anol to 35% ethanol. A second NCGA Action Team advocates in a variety effort is reaching U.S. auto manufac of policy areas, including support turers and the small engine industry ing the Renewable Fuel Standard that about the benefits of ethanol. North Dakota Ethanol Council, a sep- school. projects is "Pink at the Pump," an an Thomas Grain Farms, largely in nual McHenry County, has been producing raise funds for breast cancer aware- de corn for 11 years. Today, the no-l ness. Other projects educate motor- farm includes mor ,000 acres ists and farmers about the benefits of October ethanol promotion helps undergirds the ethanol fuel market. The team is supporting efforts toward developing the E15 market. President Donald Trump promis CORN ed U.S. farmers North Dakota Ethanol Council COUNCI and biofuels producers that his ad ministration would lift a long-time ban on summertime E15 sales to hel boost demand for the corn-based "I still think we can get the rule done in time and what I mean by that is get the rule in place by start of the sum mertime,Bi Wehrum, the agency's assistant administrator for air and radiation, told reporters at a public event in Washington, ering to the name for gasoline containing 15 per nol In a promotional effort, the ethanol Forum News Service/Agweek/File photo team contracts with "Crappie Mas Forum News Service/Agweek File photo Chad Haugen of Dazey, N.D., fills up with an ethanol blend at the Petro Serve ters," a group in the southern U.S. that USA store in Valley City, N.D. Haugen raises corn and soybeans and is happy to sponsors a major fishing tournament, support an industry that brings benefits from farmer to motorist. Photo taken Jan to promote E1o in gasoline mixes used Jean Henning is acting executive director of the North Dakota Corn Utilization Council. 14, 2019, at Valley City, N.D in marine engines.