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    February 17, 2019
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Farming and Ranching for the Bottom Line Healing the Land&Ourselves with Livestock February 26 &27, 2019 National Energy Center for Excelience Bismarck State College 1200 Schafer St Bismarck, ND AGENDA: DAY 1: 8 to 9 am 9 to 9:15 9:15 to 9:45 9:45 to 10:45 Tuesday, Feb 26 Registration Welcome Area 4 Farm Overview Mark liebig Cover Crops On My Land?- DAY 2: 8 to 9 am 9 to 9: 9:15 to 10:40 Wednesday, Feb 27 Registration 15 Welcome Dave Archer, Jay Fuhrer Break Animal Behavior-Temple Grandin Lunch Drought Conditions: Will They Return?-Henry Blakes Livestock Handling Systems - Building Healthy Soil& Profits with Planned Grazing- Greg Judy Break The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth About Food & Flavor-Mark Schatzker Lunch-Guest Speaker The Banker's Perspective - Don Morgan, Starion Financial Couples Panel Annie & John Carlson, Morning Joy Farm Krista & Jay Reiser, Reiser Ranch Molly & Justin Zahradka, Coop&Poop 10:45 to 11 11 to 12 12 to 1 pm 1 to 2 10:40 to 11 11 to 12 12 to 1 pm 1 to 1:30 2 to 3:15 3:15 to 3:30 3:30 to 4:30 Temple Grandir Break Impacts of Bale Grazing 1:30 to 2:30 Kevin Sedivec, Michael Undi Poster Sessions, Table Talks &Social 5 to 7 Sponsored by ND Stockmen's to3 All Speakers Q&A Wrap-Up Association Area Four Research Farm Bismarck State Colleage Burleigh County Soil Conservation District Menoken Farm Morten County Soil Conservatign Distric ND Grazing Lands Caaliticn NDSU Extension USDA Agricultural Research Service ·USDA Natural Resources Conservation sevice SPONSORS PARTNERS REGISTRATION: There is no cost to attend this event. However, due to limited seating, please RSVP by Feb 19th. To register, contact Cindy at 701-221-6865, or For hotel reservations, please call the Hampton Inn and suites at 1701) 751-5656& mention this conference to receive a discounted rate lprograms, sees aad events of all e sponsors/partners are ottered on a non eisnninatory Basts hcut regard t sace, celor,natienal arigin, religion, sex, marital status, age or