Freeborn County Farm Land Auction 47.91 +/- Acres - Section 9 Moscow TWP NW of Austin THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 3PM CST LIVE WITH ON-LINE BIDDING LANDPROZ.COM OR AUCTIONCAST AUCTION LOCATION DoubleTree by Hilton 1701 4th St NW, Austin PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: LandProz is pleased to present the Olson Farm Auction in Freeborn County, MN. This farmable land will be offered to the public to bid their price via Land Proz AuctionCast at Auctioneer Comment: Here is a respectable parcel of land. It's a perfect size for an addition to your farm or to add to your financial planning. PROPERTY FEATURES: 47.91 +/- Deeded Acres, 46.07 +/- Tillable Acres CPI of 87.3, Prominent Soil types: Blooming Silt Loam, Hayden Loam, & Maxcreek Silty Clay Loam. Strong cash rent area with many qualified operators Great farm to add to an existing nearby operation Real Estate taxes $1,332. OLSON AUCTION AUCTIONEERS: GREG JENSEN 507-383-1067 SONNY JENSEN 507-402-9445 LANDPROZ Freeborn County Farm Land Auction 47.91 +/- Acres - Section 9 Moscow TWP NW of Austin THURSDAY , MARCH 20th , 3PM CST LIVE WITH ON - LINE BIDDING LANDPROZ.COM OR AUCTIONCAST AUCTION LOCATION DoubleTree by Hilton 1701 4th St NW , Austin PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : LandProz is pleased to present the Olson Farm Auction in Freeborn County , MN . This farmable land will be offered to the public to bid their price via Land Proz AuctionCast at . Auctioneer Comment : Here is a respectable parcel of land . It's a perfect size for an addition to your farm or to add to your financial planning . PROPERTY FEATURES : 47.91 +/- Deeded Acres , 46.07 +/- Tillable Acres CPI of 87.3 , Prominent Soil types : Blooming Silt Loam , Hayden Loam , & Maxcreek Silty Clay Loam . Strong cash rent area with many qualified operators Great farm to add to an existing nearby operation Real Estate taxes $ 1,332 . OLSON AUCTION AUCTIONEERS : GREG JENSEN 507-383-1067 SONNY JENSEN 507-402-9445 LANDPROZ